Batuz |
| United States of America |
| | | New York Times |
| | | | | What's New in the Art World | | 1974-08-18 |
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| | | | | Intellectual Oz Embracing an Ideal Grounded in Reality Ferdinand Protzman | | 1994-12-31 |
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| | | The Washington Post |
| | | | | The Imaginary Convention Ferdinand Protzman | | 1995-11-10 |
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| | | The Wall Street Journal |
| | | | | A Hungarian Draws the Line on True Art Thomas F. O'Boyle | | 1988-10-01 |
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| | | International Herald Tribune |
| | | | | The Imaginary Society Ferdinand Protzman | | 1995-01-04 |
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| | | The Syracuse Post |
| | | | | Interest in handmade paper aids Batuz works Ann Hartranft-Temple | | 1981-06-07 |
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| | | | | Paintings by Batuz A First for Everson Nevart Apikian | | 1981-05-21 |
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| | | Indianapolis Museum of Art Quarterly |
| | | | | Batuz: Works in Paper | | 1982-09-01 |
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| | | The Sunday Post |
| | | | | Westport abstract painter, Batuz, in solo show in capital | | 1978-08-06 |
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| Germany |
| | | Der Spiegel |
| | | | | Grenzgänger im Rittersaal | | 1987-11-07 |
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| | | Die Welt |
| | | | | Er nennt sich Batuz und will Grenzen Ãœberwinden Peter Schmalz | | 1988-08-04 |
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| | | Frankfurter Allgemeine |
| | | | | Schloss Schaumburg | | 1987-06-17 |
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| | | | | Auf dem Schlossberg Sibylle Puhl | | 1987-11-03 |
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| Argentina |
| | | La Nacion |
| | | | | Batuz Ignacio Xurxo | | 1989-04-30 |
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| | | Siete Dias Magazine |
| | | | | El Pintor Que Regreso Del Infierno | | 1981-10-01 |
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| Uruguay |
| | | El Pais de los Domingos |
| | | | | El Fenómeno Batuz se adueña de Montevideo Miguel Carbajal | | 1998-04-12 |
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| Brazil |
| | | O Estado de Sao Paulo |
| | | | | As grandes telas de Batuz, simplificando suas formas | | 1978-05-12 |
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Société Imaginaire |
| United States of America |
| | | New York Times |
| | | | | Intellectual Oz Embracing an Ideal Grounded in Reality Ferdinand Protzman | | 1994-12-31 |
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| | | The Washington Post |
| | | | | The Imaginary Convention Ferdinand Protzman | | 1995-11-10 |
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| | | International Herald Tribune |
| | | | | The Imaginary Society Ferdinand Protzman | | 1995-01-04 |
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| Germany |
| | | Die Welt |
| | | | | Kontra die Insel-Isolation Peter Schmalz | | 1996-08-05 |
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| | | Frankfurter Allgemeine |
| | | | | Bindet, aber fesselt nicht Walter Haubrich | | 1988-01-09 |
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| | | | | Ein Emigrantentraum J.H. | | 1992-06-23 |
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| | | | | Schnee und Regen | | 1997-04-26 |
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| | | Tagesspiegel |
| | | | | Neue Wege der Kulturvermittlung Cornella Staudacher | | 1991-01-17 |
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| | | | | Ohne Grenzen Efi Kreis | | 1991-01-18 |
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| | | Westdeutsche Allgemeine |
| | | | | Künstler suchen Kontakte zwischen den Kulturkreisen | | 1988-08-12 |
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| Argentina |
| | | La Nacion |
| | | | | La Société Imaginaire Marcos Aguinis | | 2001-06-01 |
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| | | | | La misión posible de una sociedad imaginaira Juana Libedinsky | | 2002-04-17 |
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| | | | | El Castillo De La Utopia Eduardo Gudiño Kieffer | | 0000-00-00 |
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| Uruguay |
| | | El Pais de los Domingos |
| | | | | El Fenómeno Batuz se adueña de Montevideo Miguel Carbajal | | 1998-04-12 |
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